Candles and Supplies Lights a Fire Under Its Business

Candles and Supplies


Candles and Supplies


Quakertown, Pa.


B2B and B2C merchant of candle-making and soap-making supplies

Applications Replaced

Visual AccountMate, Crystal Reports, Microsoft Commerce Server, Excel


NetSuite Site Builder

“NetSuite has been revolutionary for us. Having everything under one roof has greatly improved our efficiency, and I no longer have to manage a network.” Candles and Supplies

Customer Success

  • NetSuite gives Candles and Supplies a real-time view of its business, spanning sales, customers, inventory, ecommerce, costs, profitability and more.
  • Eliminating manual work and improving efficiency, Candles and Supplies is able to run on half the staff previously needed.
  • Candles and Supplies has detailed visibility into raw materials, labor and other costs to manage pricing and profitability, not possible with its previous siloed system.
  • Lag time of 30 days for financial reporting replaced with on-demand visibility into key metrics, enabling better decisions.
  • SuiteCommerce runs both a B2C web storefront and a B2B web portal for business customers, offering purchase history, order tracking and more.
  • NetSuite CRM helps Candles and Supplies better manage relationships and drive repeat business with up to 4,000 B2B customers in North America and internationally.
  • Order management processes reduced from days to same-day shipping, improving customer satisfaction.
  • NetSuite pre-integration with UPS and FedEx reduces manual work and speeds shipping time.
  • NetSuite Light Manufacturing streamlines assembly and packaging processes at Pennsylvania warehouse, providing better control over components and processes.
  • Real-time integrated view of inventory and cross-channel customer activity improves service levels from customer service reps.
  • Candles and Supplies is saving $12,000 previously spent on data backups, hardware and IT maintenance.


  • Classic "hairball" of unintegrated on-premise applications required inordinate amount of manual work to piece together data from disparate systems.
  • Candles and Supplies suffered delays in financial reporting, fulfillment and other processes that impacted business performance.
  • Fragmented infrastructure imposed a high cost in hardware purchases, software licensing, and IT upgrades, maintenance and data backups.


  • NetSuite selected in 2010 over SAP, Sage and GoECart as a single, integrated cloud system that could meet all business requirements.
  • Cloud architecture enables anytime, anytime access with fast and easy ramp-up for new users.
  • Scalability and extensibility enables Candles and Supplies to pursue further business growth with financial planning and other enhancements.

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