Soon after its founding in 2004, Thos. Baker generated astounding growth that outpaced its inefficient QuickBooks implementation and homegrown ecommerce, ordering and inventory solutions, requiring resource-hungry and error-prone manual work. The retailer needed better visibility and control to efficiently manage 25,000 SKUs and relationships with a dozen contract manufacturers and 120 suppliers, while delivering a stellar customer experience to accelerate a traditionally long, high-end purchase cycle.
Thos. Baker
Bainbridge Island, Wash.
< 20
Homegrown Ecommerce
Order and Inventory Management
“NetSuite integrates ecommerce, inventory control, order processing, CRM, financial reporting and other functions in a way that really fits our business needs.” Thos. Baker
“NetSuite integrates ecommerce, inventory control, order processing, CRM, financial reporting and other functions in a way that really fits our business needs.” Thos. Baker
Deploying NetSuite in 2005, Thos. Baker avoided integrating and updating the siloed, on-premise solutions that companies rapidly acquire during signifcant growth. In addition, an electronic data interchange (EDI) solution from NetSuite partner, SPS Commerce, and shipping solution from partner, Pacejet, respectively streamlined transactions with suppliers and manufacturers, and reduced shipping costs.
NetSuite provides simple, seamless customer ordering while handling complex, back-end fulfillment of multi-element, multi-location and custom orders. Ecommerce shoppers get faceted search and navigation, image zoom and 360-degree rotating product views to confirm quality craftsmanship, and all optimised for mobile devices.
Thos. Baker maintains a staff of fewer than 20 people but presents an experience consumers associate with much larger companies. With economic uncertainty and volatility now a retail mainstay, Thos. Baker is poised with the agility to respond to and initiate industry innovation.